Hisense U50 Original Firmware Hisense download firmware Flash Firmware on Hisense U50

 Hisense U50 Original Firmware Hisense download firmware Flash Firmware on Hisense U50

Flashing firmware on a Hisense U50 or any other device involves updating or reinstalling the software that controls the hardware of the device. This process can resolve various software issues, restore the device to factory settings, or update it to a newer version of the firmware. Below are the detailed steps and considerations for flashing firmware on the Hisense U50:


  1. Backup Data: Before proceeding, back up all important data. Flashing firmware typically erases all data on the device.
  2. Fully Charged Battery: Ensure the device has at least 50-60% battery to prevent it from powering off during the process.
  3. Computer and USB Cable: A computer (Windows, macOS, or Linux) and a compatible USB cable to connect the Hisense U50.
  4. Firmware File: Obtain the correct firmware file for the Hisense U50. This is usually available on the manufacturer’s website or trusted forums.
  5. Tools and Drivers: Download necessary tools and drivers. Common tools include SP Flash Tool for MediaTek devices, and Odin for Samsung devices.

Steps to Flash Firmware on Hisense U50

Step 1: Install USB Drivers

  1. Download USB Drivers: Download the USB drivers specific to Hisense devices from the official website or a trusted source.
  2. Install USB Drivers: Run the installation package and follow the on-screen instructions to install the drivers on your computer.

Step 2: Download Firmware and Flash Tool

  1. Download Firmware: Ensure you have the correct firmware file for the Hisense U50. This will typically be a ZIP file that needs to be extracted.
  2. Download SP Flash Tool: Download the SP Flash Tool if the Hisense U50 uses a MediaTek chipset. Extract the contents to a folder on your computer.

Step 3: Prepare the Firmware Files

  1. Extract Firmware: Extract the downloaded firmware ZIP file. You should see files such as scatter.txt, which is essential for the flashing process.
  2. Open SP Flash Tool: Navigate to the folder where SP Flash Tool is extracted and run flash_tool.exe.

Step 4: Configure SP Flash Tool

  1. Load Scatter File: In SP Flash Tool, click on Choose or Scatter-loading button and navigate to the folder where the firmware was extracted. Select the scatter.txt file.
  2. Select Firmware Components: Ensure all necessary components (like preloader, boot, system, etc.) are selected. These should be pre-selected when you load the scatter file.

Step 5: Flashing Process

  1. Connect Device: Turn off the Hisense U50 and connect it to your computer via the USB cable.
  2. Begin Flashing: In SP Flash Tool, click on the Download button. The tool should start the flashing process automatically.
  3. Wait for Completion: The process may take several minutes. A green checkmark will appear once the process is complete.

Step 6: Post-Flash Steps

  1. Disconnect Device: Safely disconnect the device from the computer.
  2. Boot Device: Turn on the Hisense U50. The first boot may take longer than usual as the new firmware is configured.
  3. Setup Device: Follow the on-screen instructions to set up the device. Restore any backed-up data if necessary.


  1. Device Not Recognized: Ensure USB drivers are correctly installed. Try a different USB port or cable.
  2. Flash Tool Errors: Double-check the scatter file and ensure all firmware components are present.
  3. Stuck in Boot Loop: If the device is stuck in a boot loop, try performing a factory reset from the recovery mode.

Warnings and Considerations

  • Bricking Risk: Flashing firmware incorrectly can brick your device, rendering it unusable. Ensure you follow the instructions carefully.
  • Warranty Void: Flashing custom firmware or using unofficial methods may void the warranty. Check the warranty terms before proceeding.
  • Data Loss: Flashing firmware typically erases all data on the device. Always back up important data before starting.

To obtain the firmware for the Hisense U50, you'll typically need to follow these steps:

  1. Official Sources:

    • Hisense Official Website: Check the official Hisense support website for firmware downloads. Manufacturers often provide firmware updates on their websites under the support or downloads section.
    • Customer Support: Contact Hisense customer support for assistance. They may provide you with the firmware or direct you to the appropriate resource.
  2. Trusted Forums and Communities:

    • XDA Developers Forum: This is a well-known forum where you can find firmware and support for various devices, including the Hisense U50. Ensure you download firmware from trusted members to avoid potential issues.
    • Android Forums: Similar to XDA, this forum may have threads dedicated to Hisense devices where you can find firmware and flashing guides.
  3. Search Online:

    • Use search engines to look for "Hisense U50 firmware download" or similar queries. Ensure you only download from reputable sites to avoid malicious software.
  4. Third-Party Websites:

    • Firmware Websites: Websites like Needrom, GSM-Forum, or other similar sites may host firmware for various devices. Be cautious and check reviews or feedback to ensure the site is trustworthy.

Detailed Steps to Find Firmware for Hisense U50

Step 1: Check Official Sources

  1. Visit the Hisense Support Website:

    • Go to the Hisense official support page.
    • Navigate to the section for mobile devices or smartphones.
    • Look for a downloads or firmware section and search for the Hisense U50.
  2. Contact Customer Support:

    • Visit the contact page on the Hisense website.
    • Reach out via email, phone, or live chat and request the firmware for the Hisense U50.
    • Provide the device model and any other necessary details.

Step 2: Use Trusted Forums and Communities

  1. XDA Developers Forum:

    • Go to the XDA Developers website.
    • Use the search function to look for "Hisense U50 firmware."
    • Check the threads for downloads and user feedback to ensure the firmware is reliable.
  2. Android Forums:

    • Visit the Android Forums website.
    • Search for threads related to the Hisense U50.
    • Download firmware from trusted posts and follow any provided instructions.

Step 3: Search Online

  1. Search Engine:

    • Use Google or another search engine and enter "Hisense U50 firmware download."
    • Review the results and select reputable websites for downloading.
  2. Check Reviews and Feedback:

    • Before downloading, read reviews or forum posts about the site to ensure it's safe.

Step 4: Download from Third-Party Websites

  1. Needrom:

    • Visit the Needrom website.
    • Register or log in if required.
    • Search for "Hisense U50" and download the firmware.
  2. GSM-Forum:

    • Go to the GSM-Forum website.
    • Search for "Hisense U50 firmware."
    • Download from trusted links and verify user feedback.


  • Check Compatibility: Ensure the firmware version is compatible with your specific model of the Hisense U50.
  • Verify Source: Only download firmware from trusted sources to avoid malware or corrupted files.
  • Read Instructions: Follow any instructions provided with the firmware carefully to avoid bricking your device.

By following these steps, you should be able to find and download the firmware for your Hisense U50.


Flashing firmware on a Hisense U50 can be a straightforward process if done correctly. It involves preparing the necessary tools and files, carefully following the flashing steps, and troubleshooting any issues that arise. Always ensure you have the correct firmware and tools for your specific device model to avoid complications.

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